Episode 80- Honoring Pat Rogers with Wayne Dobbs, Justin Dyal and Darryl Bolke

From 1946 to 2016 planet earth was fortunate enough to be graced by a giant among men. The gunfighters’ gunfighter, the riflemans’ rifleman, the Marine’s Marine, the cops’ cop and the firearms instructor’s instructor one Patrick Rogers. Today I hosted a roundtable with three guy’s who spent a large amount of time with Pat. DB from the west coast, Wayne from Texas and Justin Dyal from the east coast. Their locations alone speak to the broad spanning legacy Pat left on the shooting community. Caution there is some ‘Colorful Language’ in this episode. Thanks for letting me host this episode to pay tribute to such great man.

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Episode 72-All The HiTS with Wayne and DB

DB and Wayne join me for this episode to talk about the Hard Wired Tactical Shooting two second standards. We discuss how two LEO’s from very different departments were studying operational shootings and how the two second standards were formed. We also apply the concept to the armed citizen perspective and how employing these standards as part of your training can keep you safe during the encounter and the legal aftermath.

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Episode 61-Christmas for Cops and Concealed Carriers w’Rob Beckman

Rob join’s us again this week. Have you ever wondered what to get that special gun guy or gun gal in your life for Christmas? This week we devote an entire episode to making sure you have a solid Christmas list for you 2A loving loved ones. Make a list, check it twice, press check it, holster it safely, scan for additional threats and maybe devote a few minutes a day to dry practice.

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Episode 60-2 Cop’s Talk Situational Awareness

Dobbs is back this week for an episode devoted to situational awareness. Have you ever wondered how Cops see things before they happen, make decisions quickly and spot danger early? As an armed citizen you can take a ton of information and lessons learned from individuals that work professionally in fields that require Situational Awareness. Old cop stories were shared and some practical examples were discussed. Thanks for tuning in to this weeks episode and check out the links below!

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Episode 49- The 4 “P’s” of Operational Shooting with Wayne Dobbs

The stars have aligned and one of my Texas Hero Wayne Dobbs is joining me for an episode. We discuss what he calls the 4-P’s of operational shooting. By the end of this episode you should have a pretty good idea of what “operational shooting” shooting is and be able to evaluate your training by the 4-P’s. If you ever get the chance to train with 5th generation native Texan lawman Wayne Dobbs I highly recommend it.

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Episode 43- “A Lil to the Left”

Hany returns to tie up the #1 guest hosting spot with DB. Today we discuss something that no matter if your a cop or a concealed carrier is a common thing with our beloved Glocks. We tell you how we address the issue and give you some insight on why you shot “A Lil to the Left”

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Episode 42- “Know Thy Self” Becoming An Effective Gunfighter Part 2.

Darryl Bolke is back again for a follow on to the S Dave episode. As an LEO we are often in the “Prisoner Taking” role or the “People Management” role in our daily duties. DB and I unpack several differences between “Gunfighting” and “Fighting when a gun is involved”. As a defensive carrier it is important to make the distinction between fighting with a gun and gunfighting.

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