Episode 95- Police Training Needs a Hard Reset -Chuck Haggard

If you flew F-15’s would the military ask you or expect you to buy a Cessna for flight hours? Ludicrous right! Then why do we expect police officers to perform their tasks with the minimum amount of training? Chuck Haggard was recently consulted as an expert witness in a case involving Law Enforcement training and standards or more accurately a lack there of. I believe if you are a gun toting citizen or an LE professional you need to train to become your own expert witness.

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Episode 94- Pinning the Trigger w DB

Are you a trigger pinner? Click banger? Have you spent an inordinate amount of time holding the trigger back in an effort to improve your marksmanship skills? Well you are right and wrong. DB returns to talk about this hotly debated topic and much more.

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Episode 92- Preventing Training Accidents w Erick Gelhaus

There have been three recent training incidents involving live ammunition in the news recently. Two of them were tragically fatal. Training accidents are preventable with the proper precautions. Erick Gelhaus from Cougar Mountain Solutions , American Cop Magazine and Gunsite Academy joins me today to discuss how these senseless incidents can be stopped. We also talk about several products a trainer can use to make a live firearm inert.

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