Posts Tagged ‘revolver’
Episode 81- Ammo Selection W Mark Fricke
So many different bullet weights, designs and velocities so how do I pick defensive ammunition? Mark Fricke is a retired cop, firearms instructor and historian of all things ballistic. Mark and I devote this episode to giving you the tools to select ammunition. We answer questions like what is DOJ/NIJ ammo testing and what does it mean? Sorry for the delays in getting content out I have been out in training land for the last couple weeks.
Read MoreEpisode 80- Honoring Pat Rogers with Wayne Dobbs, Justin Dyal and Darryl Bolke
From 1946 to 2016 planet earth was fortunate enough to be graced by a giant among men. The gunfighters’ gunfighter, the riflemans’ rifleman, the Marine’s Marine, the cops’ cop and the firearms instructor’s instructor one Patrick Rogers. Today I hosted a roundtable with three guy’s who spent a large amount of time with Pat. DB from the west coast, Wayne from Texas and Justin Dyal from the east coast. Their locations alone speak to the broad spanning legacy Pat left on the shooting community. Caution there is some ‘Colorful Language’ in this episode. Thanks for letting me host this episode to pay tribute to such great man.
Read MoreEpisode 79- The Proper Mindset
DB returns this week to talk the difference between Cop mindset and Armed Citizen mindset. The differences are vast and have a meaningful impact on the direction of your individual training and even lifestyle. Don’t forget to sign up for the Podcast giveaways and the Guardian conference!
Read MoreEpisode 78- Living With J-Frames w Rob Garrett
38 year cop and esteemed gun writer Rob Garrett joins me this week to discuss his affliction….or affinity for the small frams Smith and Wesson revolver or J-Frame. Rob is a bit of an authority on the J-Frame and I have spent the last 21 years having one somewhere in the safe. We talk Stocks, Holsters, Ammo, Sights and much more. If you have ever been curious if the small J-Frame was applicable to your daily carry tune in and enjoy!
Read MoreEpisode 37- Getting Dyal’d in with Your Pistol
How do you determine your proficiency with your defensive EDC gear?Justin Dyal and I have ran in the same circles of shooters for many years and finally met for a chat, albeit via zoom but still ideas and knowledge were shared. Justin is a retired USMC Lt.Colonel and program manager/developer for many of the top shooting schools in the Marine Corps. Justin and I talk about how an LEO and a Civilian can get dialed in with your pistol and some exercises you the armed populace can use to assess your performance. Here is my personal favorite courtesy of Justin
5 Yard Roundup-Target- B8 Repair Center Distance 5 Yards/ 10 Rounds of ammunition-Par Time- 2.5 Seconds all Strings
Stage 1- Draw Fire 1 shot from the holster
Stage 2- From Low Ready Fire 4 rounds
Stage 3- Low Ready/ Strong Hand Only fire 3 Rounds
Stage 4- Low Ready/ Off gun hand Fire 2 Rounds
Score Possible 100 Points, Hits outside the 8 Ring are Zero Value
Episode 36- Rapid Fire Revolver Roundup
Hany is back! Revolvers are a passion of mine as well as Hany’s. In this episode I borrowed a page from the Concealed Carry podcast and hit Hany with a rapid fire Q&A. No super lengthy answers just the meat! If you are an armed citizen is a revolver for you? Two cops that have carried them for over 40 years combined time will give you some valuable insight and tools of the tradecraft of carrying a revolver.
Read MoreEpisode 35- Martial Arts for the Armed Citizen with Cecil Burch
Cecil Burch or as I affectionately call him the “Jits Hippy” joins the podcast this week to talk about his lifelong study of Martial Arts. Cecil is a nationally known instructor and owner of Immediate Action Combatives. We talk about Jiu Jitsu for cops and armed citizens and some go to Combative Sports that will benefit you as an armed citizen.
Read MoreEpisode 13 – 2 Years 2 Shootings 2 Guns
In this episode Bryan sets down with Retired Detective Kyle Eastridge of Eastridge Investigations & Asset Protection. Kyle is not only a renowned Homicide investigator, his formative years on the police department came in the era of Revolver to Semi-Auto transition courses and he used both in armed engagements. Kyle is also Bryan’s Uncle, listen…
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