Posts Tagged ‘mark fricke’
Episode 96- Defensive Load Development
How does a defensive load come to market? With all the big players in the market how does a niche group get an ammo company to build them the ammo they want? Rob Garrett, Mark Fricke and I went through this process with Georgia Arms Ammunition on the Snub Nose Load. It was a fun process and the intended result was achieved. Special thanks to Curtis at GA Ammunition for trusting the revolver round-up fellas with their idea.
Read MoreEpisode 81- Ammo Selection W Mark Fricke
So many different bullet weights, designs and velocities so how do I pick defensive ammunition? Mark Fricke is a retired cop, firearms instructor and historian of all things ballistic. Mark and I devote this episode to giving you the tools to select ammunition. We answer questions like what is DOJ/NIJ ammo testing and what does it mean? Sorry for the delays in getting content out I have been out in training land for the last couple weeks.
Read MoreEpisode 62-Pat Rogers Revolver Round-up w DB
Hope ya missed us we’re back!!! I just returned from the longest solo road trip of my life and visited the one and only Gunsite Academy to fellowship and pay tribute to the late Pat Rogers. Darryl joins this week and we recap the weekend and all the awesome things that took place in Paulden AZ. If you have ever wanted to learn the art of the revolver this event is a great place to do it and to pay tribute to one of the most influential instructors of the last 100yrs.
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