Episode 62-Pat Rogers Revolver Round-up w DB

Hope ya missed us we’re back!!! I just returned from the longest solo road trip of my life and visited the one and only Gunsite Academy to fellowship and pay tribute to the late Pat Rogers. Darryl joins this week and we recap the weekend and all the awesome things that took place in Paulden AZ. If you have ever wanted to learn the art of the revolver this event is a great place to do it and to pay tribute to one of the most influential instructors of the last 100yrs.

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Episode 55-Mentor’s 1 Year of the Podcast

Who are your mentor’s? Are you a mentor….well if you are a member of the greater gun toting community I will answer that for you, YES you are. I recap some of the guest of the podcast and their particular impact on me. Today we celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the Podcast thank YOU for your support.

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Episode 54- LEARN TO ADAPT!!

DB is back again. Weaver, Iso stance whats better? Well the short answer is neither and both! Learn to adapt is the best answer. DB and I take a pretty deep dive into WHY its good to have all the tools at your disposal.

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Episode 53- What it takes to WIN

What does it take to win the fight? Well what fight are you preparing to win? Hany joins us to talk about how to win the fight and the first step to take to win. Hint it all comes back to Colonel Coopers Combat Triad and primarily centers around MINDSET. As usual this episode is full of Hany-ism’s and other assorted nuggets of knowledge rooted in experience.

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Episode 50- Col. Cooper’s Combat Triad w Erick Gelhaus

Colonel Jeff Cooper was arguably the most influential figure in modern defensive handgun training. The Combat Triad I personally feel is the barometer by which I evaluate my journey in the Defensive world. Erick Gelhaus a Staff Instructor from Gunsite joins me this week to analyze and emphasize why YOU should understand the Triad and how to apply it.

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